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2021 - 2022
Kunstpodium T Master Apprentice program
the summer of 2022 i spent like a total of three weeks in the Documenta Fifteen,
mostly thanks to the WDKA Autonomy Lab
Januari - May Participant in CLIP (Collective Learning in Practice) at Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam
2017 - 2021
Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam
Exchange year to Athens school of Fine Arts, Greece (left early because of pandemic)
Informal learning summer program Erasmus+, about LGBTQ+ art in Groningen
Volunteer at showroom MAMA, Rotterdam
Graduated VWO at RSG Enkhuizen
Orientation year at the Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam
Projects and activities
March 2025- march 2025 artist in residence at Roodkapje, Rotterdam
(secret project)
Stall with UFF at activist festival 2dh5, Amsterdam
Workshop DIY screenprinting at Buitenplaats Brienenoord, Rotterdam
(coming up) Stall at the zinefair at Worm, Rotterdam
Workshop on zine making + zine launch during GRAW, Rotterdam
Preliminary discussion before the movie Rebel Dykes! Started at Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem
Stall at Springboard art fair, Utrecht
Workshop on DIY screenprinting for ULTRASTUDIO in BAK, Utrecht
Stall with UFF at CRACK! Festival at Forteprenestino, Rome
Stall with UFF at activist festival 2dh5, Amsterdam
Stall with UFF at Crisismarkt Roodkapje, Rotterdam
Article for BK informatie, rubriek OPSTARTEN
20 minute performance during book launch Tools for collective learning at Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam
Zine launch + three day performance play Through The Window at exhibition PiepKnarsKrijsKraak by Mokumkraakt, Amsterdam
Stall with my zines & artist collective at Anarchist bookfair, Amsterdam
Workshop DIY screenprinting host with UltraSTUDIO, Rotterdam
Panel talk as BPW Rotterdam at Kraak de Spelregels in Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Panel talk as an artist during Ruben Paters book release Caps Lock at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Panel talk at Housing Futures by Independent school for the city, Rotterdam
Book release (I wrote also on a chapter) Art for (and within) a citizen scene at Framer Framed, Amsterdam
Group exhibition + performance Home: an unfinished project at Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam
Group exhibition World Reciever (Kunstpodium T master-apprentice program) at Omstand, Arnhem
Stall at activist festival 2dh5, Amsterdam
Cover art for Anarchist magazine Buiten De Orde
Sewing patches onto peoples clothes during Nieuw Jurk Fun Factory Anti-N8
Article for BK informatie, rubriek OPSTARTEN
Stall with my zines, posters and patches at the Anarchist bookfair, Amsterdam
Stall with my zines and patches at zine camp in Worm, Rotterdam
Group exhibition Hotel Mokum, Amsterdam
Group exhibition graduation show '21 at Willem de Kooning academy, Rotterdam
Post-precarity autumn camp by Platform BK in Hotel Mariakapel, Hoorn
24 hour residency the cave in Patterns of Work, Eindhoven
Graffiti workshop at Putsebocht 3 during Groot Rotterdams Atelierweekend, Rotterdam
Worm radio presentation collab with Woodstone Kugelblitz, Worm Rotterdam
Live painting of Anton de Kom and Grouwe eeuw sign at Havenstraat 231, Rotterdam
Magazine feature in L'intolerant, a publication by the Firefighters of the Apocolypse, Rotterdam
Group exhibition "ctrl+alt+del", online exhibition
Group exhibition Arti aan zee (an initiative of Arti et Amicitiae Amsterdam), Bergen aan Zee
Live performance of the Eviction play at Putsebocht 3 during Groot Rotterdams Atelierweekend, Rotterdam
Group exhibition ¨virtually anything¨, online exhibition
Live performance of the Eviction play at TENT, Rotterdam
Group Exhibition Things Will Change at Tent, Rotterdam
Organizing Intergalactic jam session + live painting sessions at Tweebosbuurt, Rotterdam
Organizing a Group Exhibition + live performance in The Fair at Tweebosbuurt, Rotterdam
Live performance at Roodkapje, Rotterdam
Live performance at Leeszaal West, Rotterdam
Live performance at ButFilmFestival, Breda
Group exhibition + performance at Café bistro Kult, Groningen
Group exhibition at Pictura, Dordrecht
Live art (graffiti) at wereld delfshaven festival, Rotterdam
Live art (graffiti) at 8x9m festival, Dordrecht
Live art (painting) at the Dutch Streetart Awards, Rotterdam
Live art (painting) at The Performance Bar, Rotterdam
Live art (graffiti) at Podium Grounds, Rotterdam
Group exhibition at Podium Grounds, Rotterdam
Group exhibition in gallery Het Plafond, Rotterdam
Live art (painting) at The Performance Bar, Rotterdam
Live art (graffiti) at Kingsday Bergen, Bergen
Live art (painting) at Art Battle, Amsterdam
Live art (graffiti) at Het Grote Fiasco, Amsterdam
On the radio talking about my graffiti art at That's Life, Aalsmeer
Group exhibition Arti aan zee (an initiative of Arti et Amicitiae Amsterdam), Bergen aan zee
Group exhibition Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Group exhibition kunstbende Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Group exhibition Orientation year Rietveld academy, Amsterdam
Artist in Residence at Gallery Archipel, Amersfoort
Group exhibition Kunstbende Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Group exhibition kunstroute Drechterland, Venhuizen
Group exhibition kunstroute Drechterland, Venhuizen